Fasting: The Supreme Remedy book release.
When I first started fasting, I wondered why there wasn’t much written on the subject? I longed for guidance, insight and I was so curious about its effects and what I experienced. I found very few people even desired to talk about the subject. The difficulties and questions I had personally led me to hours of research and experimentation, and to obtain a degree as a Doctor of Naturopathy. I thought I would then share with others not only what I learned but the joy I received in fasting and how I now look forward to it with confidence. How can someone enjoy fasting when the body is so sick? How can you hear the spirit when emotionally you are so messy?
I believe that fasting is one of the best remedies for healing. Although it is increasingly used in medical centers, and has been part of treatment in some European and Asian countries for many years, the medical field in the English-speaking world has not used it enough because of lack of understanding and information about fasting. It’s well known that we need breaks during the day to work more efficiently, and vacations to recharge our batteries. Any time we do anything in excess, we eventually need a break from it in order to regain balance. And in Western cultures eating has become excessive and a source of addiction. Fasting has traditionally been a religious practice. It’s a tool of devotion, obedience and love, to gain spiritual power and vision and draw nearer to God. Historically, it’s also been a physical healing tool. Fasting can have various intentions: to regain health, to lose weight, to have clarity of mind. It’s possible for these purposes to work together.
~ Deborah