Your destination
A balanced reality creates the opportunity for optimum health. You express as a human being–body and mind in harmony connected to your spirit. This balance allows the spirit to express through you, achieving the highest aim of a human, to serve others and expressing your true creativity. The healing path is a dynamic process. Dynamic process includes the whole picture, it acknowledges the interconnectedness in all things.
Your destination is to remove limitations from your life, and to find the middle path. Connect to your inner compass to find your path.
Creating your team of advocates
On your journey to health, you’ll need a team who believes in your healing capacity. Depending upon your current condition, various practitioners may be needed. You’ll find our work together can easily be integrated with other therapies like acupuncture, massage, chiropractic care, yoga, counseling, and movement therapies like Rolfing. This team aids your healing when they communicate with one another and work as a team in your best interest. I always recommend an osteopath or functional medicine as your main physician if you can find one. Check
There are different depressions. A chronic depression is very severe and may include suicidal impulses. This condition needs medication, and in time work on a more natural level like homeopathic remedies to regain balance. Another depression is a chronic type where you feel lousy, don’t want to go out, and some feel this way their whole life. An acute condition of depression is more about adjustment issues, and can last about 6 months, like losing a job, divorce, death. These last two conditions can respond well to homeopathic treatment along with psychotherapy and lifestyle changes. 25% women 40-59 years of age in 2011 were on antidepressants. That’s 1 out of 4!
Anxiety and Mood Disorders
Anxiety is really uncomfortable to live with, it’s acute and immediate, with shortness of breath, palpitations, sweating. Anxiety is a feeling state that wants to get out and needs to attach itself to something. Life changes cause anxiety and we live in a fast paced society, which induces a sympathetic nerve response to our environment. This can lead to short temper, mood disorders long term. Homeopathic remedies can be very effective for these conditions, as well as lifestyle changes and working with the mind on how to perceive accurately situations and the appropriate responses. Massage therapy, counseling are recommended along with relaxation techniques.
Chronic Pain
As conventional pain relieving medicines are associated with minor and serious side effects, alternative therapies are usually welcomed. Homeopathy in Europe is the leading natural treatment prescribed by doctors, and has some wonderful effects in chronic pain. A study in France in acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain was significantly helped by homeopathy. Dana Ullman reports those with chronic pain reduced their need for painkillers by 50% while those in acute pain reduced theirs by 38%. The study was approved by the French National Data-Protection Commission and other agencies. Homeopathy, relaxation techniques and working with the mind, alongside physical therapy or massage therapy can lead to wonderful results.
Sleep Challenges
“Insufficient sleep is a public health epidemic.” It’s one of the top complaints in a health consultation. It affects about 40% of adults. Adults who report sleeping less than the recommended 7-9 hours per night are more likely to have difficulty performing many daily tasks. Sleep is important to public health because it’s linked to car crashes, industrial disasters, and other occupational errors. Sleep deprivation can contribute to hypertension, diabetes, depression and obesity, cancer and reduced quality of life. Homeopathy is very effective in treating insomnia along with behavior modification and beliefs around sleep contribute to lasting improvements.
Life transitions
Events that cause big impacts in our lives can lead to various conditions in the mind and body. We are often left dwelling on the emotions and left in confusion that doesn’t seem to lift. Overwhelm and emotion cause discomfort, and attaining clarity can help. Clarifying how different aspects inside perceive and react to the situation are necessary tools.
Arthritis is another area where homeopathic medicines are shown to be effective. One study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (1980, 9, pp. 453-459) presented 82% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis experienced some degree of relief after being prescribed a homeopathic remedy. Only 21% of the patients given placebo received the same degree of relief.
Children’s Concerns
In all growth stages of children present challenges, potentially with eczema, asthma, behavioral, ADHD, Aspergers and autism, bowel problems. Can you imagine taking your kids to the doctor to cure fear of the dark, fear of the water, night terrors? Acute conditions respond very well to homeopathic treatment and is safe. When treating chronic conditions homeopathy can offer solutions where there are none others available. It can be used alongside necessary medicines like inhalers, steroid creams or anti-convulsants and can lead to significant reduction in the need for these. The impact on the family and their community can be great when behavioral or physical issues resolve. In 2008 American physicians wrote over 39 million prescriptions for ADHD. Clearly it makes sense for us as a society to explore safer methods of treating this given the side effects. A study in Switzerland studied children with an average of 8.3 years diagnosed ADD/ADHD. (Frei and Thurneysen, 2001). The children were first treated homeopathically and children who did not improve sufficiently were changed to Ritalin and evaluated after 3 months. 75% of the children responded favorably to homeopathy, attaining an improvement of 73%. 22% of the children were treated with Ritalin and attained an improvement rating of 65%.
Women’s Concerns
When women reach limitations in the current medical system or experience some of the harsh side effects they generally seek out alternative health methods. Women have a history of seeking natural remedies. They’ve found it to be safer for themselves and their families, it’s familiar and easily accessible. Homeopathic medicines can effectively treat cramps, bloating and various symptoms of PMS. Bladder infections are common respond very well to homeopathic medicines. While remedies are effective in this circumstance, medical attention should be sought to treat recurring bladder symptoms or severe symptoms. Fertility and contraception can be effectively treated through homeopathy and lifestyle factors in the reestablishment of reproductive organs.
” After my first session with Deborah, and with every subsequent session with her, I noticed feeling peaceful, happy and as if my life’s burdens were lightened. I often begin our phone calls with problems that seem insurmountable, and through her questions and listening, we journey towards effective solutions.
She probes deep, asking questions that get to the heart of problems. She is both skillful and intuitive with the directions she takes. While very spiritual and connected to the emotional and ethical realms, she is also very practical. She helps come up with next steps and a game plan for complex situations. Always encouraging her patients to discipline and conquer the ego, she provides instructions on how to frame communications that are likely to be received by difficult people.
Deborah’s holistic approach includes asking about a patient’s physical well-being. She patiently listens to every detail of whatever is causing bodily discomfort. Then she cheerfully comes to a conclusion and sends a homeopathic remedy. During some of these homeopathic treatments, I have felt bursts of happiness and energy.
Deborah has played an important role in the last several years of my life, supporting and encouraging me throughout a very painful divorce and also through some stressful family, health and career situations. I can honestly say that I have broken some negative patterns and handled many hardships in my life in a more mature and harmonious way thanks to taking her advice. Everyone I’ve recommended to speak with her has had positive feedback. I hope you have the privilege of working with her too.” (Washington, DC)
Chronic Conditions
The cause for chronic conditions are largely unknown. Many conditions include fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, Hashimoto’s disease, restless leg syndrome. These conditions cause such a limitation to living a full and optimal life and affects mood and energy levels, not to mention sleep. Because these conditions affect the nervous system and the energetic level, homeopathy works wonderful putting the body and mind into balance.