How do some people get the flu and others don’t in one family? How do some people have a predisposition to depression and others are predisposed to happiness? If we viewed the world as disease is merely obtained through bacteria and viruses invading the body, we would all eventually succumb. There are many thoughts on this subject and a main cause is hereditary. It’s well known that certain diseases, like cancer, heart, diabetes, alcoholism tend to run in families. It’s quite rare that a young child can manifest a serious chronic illness if the family history is all healthy. Other factors in susceptibility include infectious illnesses that were very powerful, allopathic drugs, and in some cases, vaccinations. If the parent’s vital force is weak at the time of birth, that child can also be weakened.
Susceptibility is a type of yielding or receiving an impression from a stimuli. We can yield to an influence, positive or negative, on a mental, emotional or physical nature. We measure susceptibility by how strong the reaction is to a powerful stimuli. How the organism responds tells us how strong the vital force is. Deficient or insufficient reaction indicates we have to build the vital force of the individual. A strong reaction, even if viewed as negative, can be a good sign. When giving the body certain treatments through foods, supplements, herbs or homeopathy, we look for responses on the three planes, mental, emotional and physical. Things that can affect the level of vital force one has is age, temperament, environment, pathological conditions presently, and previous uses of medicines. All these factors go into account as to the best methods of healing and probability of cure and sustained optimal health.
~ Deborah
I’m interested in learning of further thoughts on predisposition of depression/happiness I myself think I have the former, as contrasted to my husband who is the latter. And though I may have arrived in this world with my disposition already set, I cling to the hope that I’m not stuck with it. In fact through my treatments with you, Deborah, & constant effort through prayer, study meditation, yoga and of course the bounty of God, I have somewhat moved out of that, may I call it, rut. But I continue to be intrigued, how to continue, and to stay firmly, in the happy space, because that’s where I am my best self.
Certainly both my parents suffered from tending to be depressed, even both sets of grandparents struggled too. One even ended up taking his own life. So I can agree in my case that it’s logical I inherited this tendency. My 3 siblings struggle too. Interestingly most of our offsprings and their children, so far don’t show any signs of depression. They are all under 33 years old.
Spiritually speaking, I wonder because we are in the time of reckoning of humanity, & moving towards the appearance of the new race of humanity, if we have the opportunity now, as never before, to re -calibrate & work on clearing the baggage we have inherited, because I am incredulous that I have been able to come so far.
I am so grateful