There is an innate intelligence within a human being. This intelligence responds to the influences within itself, and to the environment in which it finds itself. It defends the organism and protects itself and adapts to the best ability in every moment. It’s what directs the cellular walls to analyze passing molecules, to open up the cellular wall or to close up and defend. What starts the heart beating? Scientists still wonder. It’s a question that’s haunted philosophers for centuries. Paracelsus, an alchemist and physician during the Renaissance, believed an energy radiated from one person to another could act at a distance and could restore the body to health.
We believe this innate intelligence, or vital force, chi, spirit, is what connects us to the collective consciousness, oneness, or universal intelligence. This vital force acts on the physical plane through chemicals. The advances in physics and quantum particles are bringing light to the properties and qualities of this level of being. We see how this vital force strives to create order in the body. In this view, we can often see disease as a response to chaos, trying to maintain order. Many people see their disease, or their body, as an enemy. However, if we view it as our very dear friend striving to get our attention to establish health and well being, we can work with it rather than against it. I can give someone diet recommendations or homeopathic remedies, but if they continue to drink 10 sodas a day and live in a moldy environment, the treatment can only be so effective. Adaptivity is a sign of intelligence which is not only a response from this inner intelligence of the body, but we can CHOOSE adaptations through our minds, or free will to change our circumstances and our perceptions of them.
~ Deborah
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